20th Anniversary paddle conducted in blistering conditions

20th Anniversary and Christmas Race November 27th 2004

Blanchetown to Swan Reach

It was HOT, very hot, but the river was cool and the wind was (mostly) in the right direction for the 12 intrepid paddlers who re-enacted the first official race of the MCC 20 years ago. Some of the paddlers revived memories of the race, Ron Blum and Don Gomer having paddled the race so many times you would have thought they would have no trouble predicting their times in the ‘Sands of Time’ competition. However, Don Gomer won the prize for the most inaccurate and relative newcomer David Speck took out the trophy, predicting his time to within 41seconds. The star performer of the day was Lewis Davidson who paddled strongly in his first river marathon and broke the record for the K1 MenĂ•s Junior.

After the race 30 members, invited guests and friends, including club founder Ron Bath, enjoyed Christmas dinner and memories at the Swan reach Hotel in air conditioned comfort.

We must thank Ron Blum for the effort he put into making this race special and we must not forget Bob and Wendy Bristow who yet again provided the support


Christmas Race Results

K1 MJ Lewis Davidson 1 2:43:38 Broke record
K2 MV45 Fred Lamprecht & Mike Cooper 1 2:24:56
TK1 MV55 David Speck 1 3:06:19
TK1 MV70 Ron Blum 1 3:06:19 Record established
TK2 MXO Greg Roberts & Robyn Alcorn 1 2:49:37
TK2 MV55 J. Hales & P. Williams 1 3:04:58
TK2 XV55 R. Magor & D. Magor 1 2:44:42
TC1 MV70 Don Gomer 1 3:48:01 Record established